(Akiit.com) Many people will tell you that a huge amount of startups fail within the first year of opening. This happens because young entrepreneurs are not prepared for the demands of running a company. Here’s how to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you and you new business. Have ...
(Akiit.com) There are some among my friends and esteemed colleagues who claim that they absolutely will not vote for billionaire Donald Trump should he officially secure the GOP nomination at the Republican convention later this year because he is not a real conservative with a proven conservative track record. Others ...
(Akiit.com) White teenage unemployment is about 14 percent. That for black teenagers is about 30 percent. The labor force participation rate for white teens is 37 percent, and that for black teens is 25 percent. Many years ago, in 1948, the figures were exactly the opposite. The unemployment rate of ...
(Akiit.com) Children naturally love being active when they’re small. Soon after starting school, you may notice that your child has continued to invest his energies into sports. Team sports and games are very important for your child’s development. They teach essential social skills and teamwork. And best of all, they ...
(Akiit.com) Earlier this week, radio host Glenn Beck’s program was suspended by the SiriusXM satellite radio network after Beck agreed with one of his guests that assassination might be an appropriate method toward removing Donald Trump should he become president and abuse his position – practically an inevitability, if one ...
(Akiit.com) My life in California was punctuated by some of the best vocalizations ever recorded. Among these were the songs recorded by the awesome group, “The Fifth Dimension.” Although it was not their sole source, many of their more popular songs came from the musical, “Hair.” Hair was a Broadway ...
(Akiit.com) Donald Trump has now won the delegates needed to give him the Republican presidential nomination. The Bernie Sanders surge continues — he may even win California — but Hillary Clinton apparently has the superdelegate support needed to give her the nomination. We’re headed to a presidential race with two ...
(Akiit.com) I’m blessed to have the opportunity to lead a major national women’s group, the National Congress of Black Women (NCBW). My personal desire has always been to facilitate the enhancement of the lives and opportunities for African-American women, women of color, and their families’ welfare. Since my personal goals ...
(Akiit.com) Summer is coming, and many of us want to get fit without spending hours within the confines of a sweaty gym. If you’re looking for workouts with a difference, here are some ideas. Tennis Tennis is the ultimate in summer sports sophistication. It has a reputation for being dainty ...
(Akiit.com) No one wants to hear the words ‘you have cancer’, but studies show that almost forty percent of men and women will at some point in their lives. The truth is that you may well be one of the unfortunate forty percent. The good news is that it isn’t ...
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