(Akiit.com) Hobbies are something we do in our spare time to relax, have fun, and be sociable. Often, hobbies can take our minds off work and other sources of stress, but they also have other uses. Here are some of the most useful hobbies revealed. Learning a language You never know ...

(Akiit.com) Teenagers are fascinating when you take a step back and think about them. They’ve got one foot in childhood and one foot in adulthood. It’s this stage in life where a person really finds out who they are, and has experiences that will shape who they are in their ...

(Akiit.com) If there’s one thing you need to make sure you get right with your business, it’s customer feedback. Everything else can be worked on. You’ve got a product that has a few faults? That’s OK — as long as you’re listening to your customers. It’s them who you’re relying on ...

(Akiit.com) The world works in mysterious ways and most of the time operates in cycles. A brilliant example of this is the state we’re in when we enter the world and when we leave it. When we enter the world, we’re vulnerable and need constant care and attention. We depend on ...

(Akiit.com) A post racial society is a grand aspiration for Mr. Cam Newton to have, but the present-day reality is one where racism runs amuck. Underneath our skin, we’re all the same color, said Mr. Cam Newton, the 28 year-old Black quarterback for the Carolina Panthers when weighing in on the ...

(Akiit.com) “Shop ’til you drop,” might be a clever slogan for advertisers, but it’s also a literal description of what happens when you shop in an attempt to feel happier. A study released this month reveals something that any emotional spender can already tell you: Feeling down can make you ...

(Akiit.com) Being involved in a road traffic accident is one of the most challenging things to come back from. The impact on your physical and mental wellbeing can be huge. And you will want to get past whatever’s holding you back as soon as possible. If you want to return to ...

(Akiit.com) What makes Apple such a successful company? To the average person, it’s all about their products. And to an extent, this is true – you only have to look at the hordes of people queuing outside Apple stores on launch days for evidence. The Apple brand is synonymous with the ...

(Akiit.com) The announcement that California State University, Los Angeles agreed to the demands of black student groups at the school to establish separate dorm housing for blacks ignited the predictable furor. The critics say it’s wrong, dangerous, and sends the horrible message that segregation is OK and, even more appalling, ...

(Akiit.com) I am really getting fed up with the constant drumbeat of criticism of Donald Trump’s campaign, especially the criticism coming from Black Republicans. They seem to be willing to give President Obama, Hillary Clinton and our party’s leadership a pass, but when it comes to Trump, all of a ...