(Akiit.com) America always has been an exceptional nation. People in other countries recognize that America is unique. It’s why so many of those fleeing foreign oppression come to the “land of the free.” What made the U.S. great were its principles, not its officials. America was different from most other ...
(Akiit.com) No one in her or his right mind would expect to leave home and not return alive. Those engaged in warfare and in other special circumstances may contradict this; but, under normal conditions, people expect to return home in the same or better condition as when they left home. ...
(Akiit.com) Since 1897, the New York Times has boasted that it publishes “All the News That’s Fit to Print.” That slogan, created by Adolph S. Ochs, the original owner, still appears on the masthead of the Times each day. On the front page of last Sunday’s edition, the New York ...
(Akiit.com) I wish the cops in charge of babysitting the protests that occurred around the country last night had job applications to pass out to the crowds. I suppose the protesters never considered that maybe the Black Lives Matter movement, with their anti-cop sentiments, may be responsible for the overreaction ...
(Akiit.com) Where to start with actor Jesse Williams’ widely praised rant on police brutality and white racism delivered at this year’s Black Entertainment Television awards show? To his enthusiastic audience, Jesse Williams reeled off lie after lie, all in the name of black “resistance” over the “oppressor” — meaning anyone ...
(Akiit.com) Being in Europe and interacting with many one-on-one across the spectrum truly gives a different perspective about Brexit. Since 2007, it has been a right of European Union member states to withdraw from the EU per Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union. On June 23, 2016, ...
(Akiit.com) In the space of a few days Baltimore Police Lieutenant Brian Rice is scheduled for trial in the death of Freddie Gray and the Justice Department announced that it will conduct a probe into the police shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La. and one has been called ...
(Akiit.com) It didn’t take long for the predictable. Loose-lipped former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh frothed at President Obama in the aftermath of the slaying of five Dallas police officers and the wounding of several others. Presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump couldn’t tweet fast enough denouncing the murders. Needless to ...
(Akiit.com) The manufacturing industry is an important part of the economy. Becoming successful at it means you can be serving clients of all kinds and building long-term partnerships. There are a lot of opportunities out there for those able to get into the manufacturing business. But what, exactly, does that ...
(Akiit.com) One of the annoying things about running a successful business is when people don’t pay on time. It’s a problem that affects all enterprises from freelancers to large corporations. As you can imagine, a non-paying customer can have a devastating impact on cash flow. Especially if smaller businesses are ...
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