(Akiit.com) Recent events in Louisiana and Minnesota reflect a long and dark history between African American males and police officers who patrol in the communities where they reside. The fact is that in many cases, it is a white male officer and an African American male suspect who later becomes ...

(Akiit.com) So many of us are asking how did it get to this point? How does a person hate another group so much that they just want to kill anyone who looks like the group that they hate? Well that was the case for Micah Johnson but why? Well I ...

(Akiit.com) I had occasion to listen to a little talk radio yesterday, a couple of prominent hosts’ take on Barack Hussein Obama’s oratory at the memorial for the police officers slain in Dallas last week. Host Mark Levin was positively livid at how Obama insisted on purveying the “science is ...

(Akiit.com) A strong majority of Americans (81%) say medicines available today have improved their quality of life and even more (91%) say it is important to develop better medicines for conditions we currently treat, according to a new national public opinion survey commissioned by Research!America.  But many respondents say candidates for ...

(Akiit.com) “It is more dangerous to be black in America. You’re substantially more likely to be in a situation where police don’t respect you.” The speaker was not Barack Obama; it was former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Even a conservative firebrand like Gingrich was shaken by videos showing black ...

(Akiit.com) Even in this age of runaway emotions, there are still some people who want to know the facts. Nowhere are facts more important, or more lacking, than in what has been aptly called “The War on Cops,” the title of a devastating new book by Heather Mac Donald. Few, ...

(Akiit.com) There was never a more appropriately named book than “The War on Cops” by Heather Mac Donald, published a few weeks ago, on the eve of the greatest escalation of that war by the ambush murders of five policemen in Dallas. Nor is this war against the police confined ...

(Akiit.com) A website is a great tool for any business. With the help of a website, you can make money and expand your business on a global stage. Of course, you need more than a site to achieve this goal, but a site is where it all starts. Before you ...

(Akiit.com) If you weren’t aware, Mexico held its first ever clean energy auctions earlier this year. It was via these auctions that we learned a lot about Mexico’s potential to utilize renewable energy. So, what did we find out? Let’s break down the facts. Firstly, solar made a big impression ...

(Akiit.com) Mocha Moms across the country are beyond heartbroken over last week’s events. It has taken us some time to try and process, not only the deaths of two more black lives at the hands of police officers, but also the deaths of five law enforcement officers who were defending ...