(Akiit.com) Your employees are arguably the most powerful and valuable asset within your business. They keep your business running each day by completing a whole host of major and minor tasks. Without them, you would find it incredibly difficult to continue your company’s progression. So taking care of your staff ...
(Akiit.com) Anyone who owns a construction company will know that there are a lot of rules with which you need to comply. Here’s a quick guide to making sure that your construction site remains on the right side of the law! Look out for substances getting into public areas When ...
(Akiit.com) Computers are necessary household items these days. We can do so much on them! From shopping to studying, it seems like the ways they help us in life are endless. But considering how often we use them, many of us put little thought into buying a new one. We ...
(Akiit.com) If you’re setting up a startup, then you’ll soon face the task of setting up your IT infrastructure. You probably know that this isn’t exactly an easy task. But there are several mistakes that even big companies make in this area. Remember these things when setting up your business’s ...
(Akiit.com) We’ve all heard this popular term or even know someone whose company has embraced it…. But is the cloud right for your business? In its most basic sense, cloud computing enables users to run programs from the Internet that traditionally would’ve run from an application installed locally on their ...
Being an insecure, chubby teenager in the Jim Crow south may have been a challenge, but growing up as that same teen might be far more difficult in today’s world. In my book, The Blessing of Movement, I chronicle the story of my sister, Sandra and how her actions impacted ...
(Akiit.com) Growing up in inner city Detroit and attending Detroit Public Schools in the ‘90s, the racial makeup of my classroom wasn’t much more diverse than a kid going to school in the heartland of Iowa. Just as theirs was uniformly white, mine was uniformly black. With that said, I’m ...
(Akiit.com) After Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Falcon Heights, Minnesota there was Dallas, Texas. After rogue cops unceremoniously killed two Black men, a deranged shooter killed five police officers. The shooter, identified as Micah Johnson, reportedly said that he wanted to kill White police officers. Too many commentators referred to his ...
(Akiit.com) Do you ever struggle with saying “no”? If you get so anxious about declining a request that you end up going against your better judgment and saying “yes” or avoiding the conversation altogether, here are a few ways to authentically voice exactly what you need to say. 1. “Let ...
(Akiit.com) Like millions, I am shocked and appalled by the needless killing of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and 5 Dallas police officers. Respect for humanity requires that we reject, in the strongest terms, the unwarranted and unjustified taking of life. I search earnestly for answers to the “Why?” of their ...
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