Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Why Your Food Business Dreams Aren’t So Far-Fetched.

June 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( If your school days were anything like most people’s, one of the first jobs you dreamed of having was in the food trade. It makes sense to a young mind. You enjoy food, and nothing’s more exciting than going out to eat. And hey, if you ran a restaurant or a diner, you could eat from there every day! Then as you get older, you think about how stressful it can be to be in the service industry. It can be off-putting.

Still, it has to be said that even in times of financial uncertainty, people still go out to eat. When people are watching the pennies, extravagant holidays and designer suits might bite it. But life gets depressing without the occasional treat, and a good restaurant will always be welcome. When people want to take the kids out for a treat, the ice-cream parlor is still a popular destination.BlackMan-FoodTruck-2016

It can also be said that as stressful as we picture it to be, running a busy food joint is a lucrative endeavor. When you know your trade, it’s more than possible to get good ingredients for a reasonable price and make a healthy profit. And then you can focus on making the place into the spot you always wanted to go to when you were a customer.

Ice cream parlors never go out of fashion. Since as far back as any of us can remember, they have been there as a place for people to hang out and enjoy perhaps the ultimate treat food. When the ice cream van passed by playing its music, that was enough to get you and every other kid outside in a heartbeat. And yes, we all know the one about parents telling their kids that the music meant they’d run out of ice cream.

The idea of making your own ice cream has become more en vogue as the process becomes simpler. It’s possible to buy an ice cream maker for your own kitchen and enjoy a cold treat whenever you fancy. But if you’re dreaming bigger than that, you can make ice cream on an industrial scale and then sell it. For not much cash at all, you can source the right used dairy equipment. Then comes the fun part.

It’s fair to say that your dreams of running the perfect restaurant or the ice cream parlor (or van) of your childhood dreams won’t come true easily. It will take some hard grind, but the busier you get, the more hands you can hire. If you’ve ever dreamed of having your name above a door, then this is a great way to go. Good food places become part of the fabric of a town.

Where you want to go from there is up to you. It’s a chance to create something that can become a chain, or to have something that people travel from miles around to experience. And when your kids are old enough, it’s something that they can take over and keep in the family name. All in all, it can easily be your dream come true!

Staff Writer; Bobby Love

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