(Akiit.com) Anyone can, at any time in their life, improve their ability to learn. Whether you are in college, about to go through exams, or you would just like to improve your mind’s ability to learn. Whatever your situation, there are numerous active steps you can take to do so. ...

(Akiit.com) Although he has 10 months remaining in office and many challenges ahead, I’m already feeling nostalgic ahead of the time when Barack Obama is not president of the United States. Compared to the candidates — one of whom will likely succeed him — I wish Obama could have a ...

(Akiit.com) Our nation continues to marshal support for the people of Flint, Michigan, as the city rebuilds after its water supply was found to be contaminated with extremely dangerous amounts of lead. The long-term exposure of Flint residents to lead, which even in small amounts can cause grave health problems, ...

(Akiit.com) Are you familiar with Mrs. Silence Dogood? How about Publius? They are a pseudonym (fictional pen name) and an allonym (a historical pen name) employed by men in our Founding Generation. Ben Franklin wrote as the widow “Mrs. Silence Dogood” and James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay shared ...

(Akiit.com) Although the current colorful, for want of a better word, presidential campaign is attracting attention from voters, indicators are that this attention reflects voters being turned off to the whole process. According to new polling data from Gallup, in the first three months of 2016 the percentage of Americans ...

(Akiit.com) Starting any business takes a great deal of work and determination. Fortunately, it is also an incredibly rewarding experience, and one which can teach you a great deal which is valuable. Starting a business in construction has its own particular merits and potential pitfalls. If you are considering this ...