(Akiit.com) I have written about Bill O’Reilly, a/k/a “Bill O’Racist,” in the past and his proclivity to distort the facts when discussing African Americans. Well, he’s at it again. On one of his recent shows on Fox News, he asked, “Don’t you think most African-Americans know there are super predators among their ethnic ...

(Akiit.com) Many people are turning to starting their own business these days. The truth is, with the economy being the way it is, now is a good time to do so. Running a business is one of those things that most people think they have in them. In fact, if ...

(Akiit.com) In my book Start Here Start Now, there are assessments that are simple tools to coach you to make bite-sized, but effective changes in your life. This week, I challenge you to start hoping for that thing you’ve been afraid to hope for and start expecting great things to ...

(Akiit.com) Evaluating our own sleep is difficult because well, we’re asleep. While we may notice “small” things like waking up to cough or catch our breath, these symptoms are often dismissed about as soon as we fall back into a deep sleep. Sleep apnea speculations are usually brought on by ...

(Akiit.com) Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal recently vetoed H.B. 757, the Georgia Religious Liberty Bill. The governor warned that he would veto any legislation that “allows discrimination in our state in order to protect people of faith.” He went on to tell fellow Republicans, who shepherded the bill that they ...

(Akiit.com) While our attention was focused last week on Bill Clinton becoming unhinged while defending his indefensible crime bill and insulting the Black Lives Matter Movement in the process, Wells Fargo and billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson were demonstrating how the wealthy escape personal responsibility when they misbehave badly. In ...

(Akiit.com) Like me, many of my friends are enthusiasts of history and historical facts.  When possible, we’ll sit and dissect what we understand of historical events and how they have shaped our current circumstance.  When lacking completely factual information, we may speculate, but rarely do we entertain theories that border ...

(Akiit.com) This has been a bad week for civility in the Democratic Party. So far, only one candidate seems to be learning the lesson.  That’s not a good thing either. Epithets about women should have no place in our political discourse. Neither should racial stereotypes. I was shocked yesterday to ...

(Akiit.com) During Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign visit to Liberty University, he told the students that our nation was created on racist principles. Students at a Christian-based university, such as Liberty, do not often hear the founders-as-racists argument. But it is featured at many other universities, as well as primary and ...

(Akiit.com) If you took all the lies out of political rhetoric, how much would be left? Apparently even less than usual this year. The latest, and perhaps biggest, lie — thus far — is that Donald Trump was cheated out of delegates in Colorado because the voters did not select ...