Many parents watch the approaching summer season with a bit of dread. It’s understandable, as summer often means an exchange of hectic mornings for long days of “Mom, I’m bored” and the drone of the Xbox 360. While I certainly understand your hesitation to roll out the red carpet for ...

( The 2012 Elections will offer the electorate a vast difference in choices for President. Watching the Republican candidates for President get scarier and scarier with their conservative and ultra-conservative predictions only show how desperate they are defeat President Obama. The general election debates should be interesting. However, this election ...

( The Pentagon’s defiant pledge to stick with the Rush Limbaugh show no matter what bumps up against a few hard and insulting realities. The Armed Forces Network that carries the Limbaugh show is not a private business, corporation, or proprietorship that can do whatever it pleases with its money, ...

( More than 70 percent of students involved in school-related arrests or cases referred to law enforcement were Hispanic or African-American, according to a report to be released Tuesday by the Education Department that raises questions about whether students of all races are disciplined evenhandedly in America’s schools. Black students ...

( Octavia Spencer inspired her formidable character in “The Help,” but the actress turned into a softy Sunday as she accepted an Oscar for the role. “Oh, thank you,” a tearful Spencer said as many in the audience rose to their feet. She expressed gratitude to her family, her colleagues ...

( Wesley Deeds (Tyler Perry) has it all, or so it seems, between serving as CEO of a thriving computer software company and his impending marriage to a successful, if shallow, San Francisco realtor (Gabrielle Union). The dedicated, driven executive was handpicked by his mother (Phylicia Rashad) over his hot-headed ...

( Soaring gasoline prices are threatening to undercut President Barack Obama‘s re-election prospects and offering Republicans an easy target. With prices pushing $4 a gallon and threatening to go even higher, Obama sought Thursday to confront rising public anxiety and strike back at his GOP critics. Obama said dismissively that ...