(Akiit.com) “We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America, we are the United States of America” – IL State Senator Barack Obama, 2004 Over the past 48 hours all of us have been reminded of the great irony of life — and that is ...

(Akiit.com) Lil’ Wayne’s back in the hot seat. The lyrics from his new single “Right Above” have pissed off some of his fans, a few of whom are vowing to boycott the artist. In the song Lil’ Wayne rhymes “beautiful black woman, I bet that b*tch look better red.” That ...

(Akiit.com) Fans have been waiting for Lauryn Hill to return in true form. Now that her national tour has begun, it’s painfully clear that the wait is not over. For a decade, we have held our collective breaths waiting for the return of the Lauryn Hill. For many of us, ...

(Akiit.com) If you want to have a baby and don’t have a partner, should you take the leap on your own before it’s too late? “I never thought I’d be here.” That’s what Beth Espy thought of her life about two years ago. She was 40 years old, single and ...

(Akiit.com) On the first day of the new Congress, as Republicans led a peculiar and self-righteous reading of the United States Constitution, America was fed a healthy dose of the pomp and comedy that lies in store for us this year. Similar to a house party where out-of-control relatives show ...

(Akiit.com) Students of classical history are familiar with the old axiom of Nero fiddling while Rome burned, and for those who are not, it simply means that leadership preoccupied with the frivolous often preside over a declining state of affairs. Today this term has a likewise axiomatic meaning, as some ...

(Akiit.com) Franchising is an outstanding model for selling Big Macs. But it can be toxic to classrooms. Something wasn’t right at the high school that Darwin Bridgers’ son attends, so he sat in on the class to see for himself. All morning long, the instructor at the Washington, D.C., charter ...

(Akiit.com) For 40 years, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has used it’s bully pulpit to advocate, persuade, stall, negotiate and, ultimately, to legislate. Through many highs, a few lows and more than a couple attacks, the CBC now finds itself in a unique position — the defender of historic policies ...

(Akiit.com) New South Books press people had barely sent word out that the editors would remove any mention of the n-word from their upcoming edition of Mark Twain’s immortal classic The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when the backlash began. Critics are calling it censorship, a slap at freedom of speech, ...