(Akiit.com) By returning to Haiti, Baby Doc Duvalier is betting on the fact that most Haitians are too young to remember the climate of fear that ruled their nation for 30 years. Maybe the fear is the first thing people forget as time passes. That would help explain the outbursts ...
(Akiit.com) Yesterday, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the self-described “Caucus of House Conservatives,” released its a blueprint for cutting federal spending by $2.5 trillion over the next 10 years. Among the items on the chopping block are the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (a.k.a. NeighborWorks America) and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), ...
(Akiit.com) If you thought that racially segregated doctor’s offices were done away with in the 1960s, get ready to feel like you just stepped out of a time machine. By now, many of us have heard the grisly story of an African-American physician in West Philadelphia who is facing eight ...
(Akiit.com) News that Clint Eastwood may direct Beyoncé in what would be the third Hollywood remake of A Star Is Born has traveled fast, with many speculating that this might just be the big break that Beyoncé’s acting career needs. It’s no secret that Mrs. Carter would love to one ...
(Akiit.com) I am a firm believer that everyone’s behavior comes from a certain need within. A friend who dates people who are not good for them may have insecurities about being wanted, so they will take who will take them. Someone who always has a better story to tell than ...
(Akiit.com) A recent article on Black Web 2.0 that black people “run Twitter,” not in the literal sense, but in terms of conversation, language, and topic. I’m actually inclined to agree. Edison Research released a study April that stated nearly 25 percent of Twitter users were African-American, and black people ...
(Akiit.com) Tattoos are as old as civilization itself. Nearly every ancient civilization participated in some form of inking ritual, with the practice not becoming taboo until the Greeks deemed it sign of barbarism to mark one’s body. Judeo-Christian ideology followed this line of thought, essentially deeming the act of tattooing ...
(Akiit.com) We think (bad about ourselves), therefore, we are (bad to each other). African descendants in America may not be aware of salient political issues, but we sure do love to discuss relationship issues–purely from a position of blame. “What’s wrong with (insert Black men or Black women here)?” Open ...
(Akiit.com) When I saw the final score of last night’s NCAA championship game where Auburn University defeated the University of Oregon, I sent a tweet to my friends that said, “Congratulations. Your plantation was the strongest tonight.” As the southerners who love Auburn football celebrate their championship, they may want ...
(Akiit.com) That April day 43 years ago is eternally burned in my memory. As I walked through the front door of my house my mother was screaming, “He’s dead, he’s dead, they’ve killed him!” I didn’t know who the “he” was that she writhed in agony over or the “they” ...
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