(Akiit.com) I’ve never in my life questioned the value of having a democratic society. I still don’t question my democracy, since I believe that in most cases, democracy works quite well. But the textbook on democracy needs to have a chapter describing exceptions to the rule, and that chapter would ...
(Akiit.com) Langston Hughes is undeniably one of the most prominent and influential writers of the Harlem Renaissance. Nowadays, most people read or hear about the great poetry he composed, and some do not know that he was an important figure because he not only composed noteworthy poems, but he also ...
(Akiit.com) Black History Month is a refreshingly festive time of the year for most of us. Our national choice to give reverence to the contributions of African-Americans is worthy of celebration. If grades were given for effort, we would earn at least a B+ for our joint commitment to allocating ...
(Akiit.com) It may seem like we are seeing an increase in deaths of folks we know, as well as popular public figures. Truth is, it is mostly about aging. The older you get, the people dying will more and more be folks you know. It’s just that simple. What amazes ...
(Akiit.com) MSNBC analyst Chris Matthews, apparently in celebration of the fact that he believes we now have a “post-racial America,” felt the need to congratulate President Barack Obama on his State of the Union Address by proudly claiming that he “forgot Obama was black for an hour.” The comments were ...
(Akiit.com) He came. He saw. He did what was expected. President Barack Obama, one of the greatest orators to ever grace the White House, used his standard recipe of charisma, charm and vocal rhythm to renew his national agenda. I found his State of the Union address to be relatively ...
(Akiit.com) A quiet revolution is underway and it represents real change that is positively impacting all Americans. In departments and agencies all over Washington, the most diverse Cabinet in American history is retooling and transforming government to better serve the people. Consider the Department of Justice. Over the last year, ...
(Akiit.com) It is easy to get the impression that America–and black communities in particular–are more violent than ever. We are regularly treated to gruesome crime stories on television news programs, and they often feature black perpetrators. When we are not watching the news, Law and Order, CSI, NCIS and other ...
(Akiit.com) Haiti will need help long after the television cameras have focused their attention elsewhere. But there’s one person who can keep the Caribbean nation in the spotlight. As international aid pours in to provide relief from the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti, development workers and NGO professionals are beginning ...
(Akiit.com) Funny, but Americans give automatic credibility to almost any statement that is made on the news and automatic credibility to the people making the statements. But one would think that after eight years of a lying moron in the White House that the American people would take a closer ...
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