(Akiit.com) The nation we live in is conflicted with itself. The conflict shows when we realize that the land was built on the backs of free African labor, while many so-called Americans hate both Africans and African Americans. The conflict also shows when we hear so-called Americans proclaim that America ...
(Akiit.com) His presidency was historic. The challenges he has faced during his first year have been historic as well. But for this president the bigger the challenge, the bigger the victory. And President Obama scored the biggest victory last week when he signed into law healthcare reform that is as ...
(Akiit.com) Time For The Board of Regents To Step In At UCSD… For the past five weeks, one of the ugliest episodes of racism in recent years (before the Tea Partiers started spittin’ on people and calling congress people “Nig**rs†and “Fag**ts†at the congressional health care vote last weekend) ...
(Akiit.com) There was much laughter following the presidents signing of the health care bill. Democrats were positively giddy over having successfully secured America’s decline. There were fist bumps and back slapping; the champagne flowed. Democrats were not alone in their celebration. Republicans too shook hands with constituents and lapped up ...
(Akiit.com) Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan could have saved his breath when he furiously demanded that GOP leaders denounce the blatant racists among them. The loud chorus from other Democrats, civil rights leaders, and even an online petition from an advocacy group begging the GOP to speak out against its naked ...
(Akiit.com) A congressional report reveals the dire details, but does one sector have a strategy that will help turn the tide? As the Great Recession’s scythe slices through industries, states, cities and neighborhoods, African Americans have received the most devastating wound. Blacks, and particularly African-American males, have suffered disproportionate rates ...
(Akiit.com) The President of the United States of America, Barack H. Obama, signed into law universal health care coverage for every American, for the first time ever in our nation’s history. It was a long time coming. Almost 100 years. The United States was the last industrialized nation to do ...
(Akiit.com) The National Urban League today released its annual “State Of Black America” report. Such a report should be done, as a way to annually assess our progress and challenges. However, the “State Of Black America” report would be much more valuable if there was a paradigm shift in three ...
(Akiit.com) President Obama earned well-deserved accolades for his dogged fight to make a much needed, and long overdue comprehensive health care reform a reality. The president can and should savor the victory and feat. But there’s another equally hard battle that desperately needs to be fought, and that’s the fight ...
(Akiit.com) NEW YORK (AP) — For Kenny and Lynette Seymour, last weekend’s black marriage gala was about celebrating their seven-year marriage. They got to meet other black couples while spending a romantic evening together. “Every time you meet another couple, you learn something new about yourself and relationships in general,” ...
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