(Akiit.com) At some point, the image of President Barack Obama has to inspire us to rise to higher heights in every arena possible. But before we can do that, we need to be serious about the business of protecting our image. Unfortunately, some of the most vicious assaults on the ...

(Akiit.com) As a sociologist and feminist, I am aware of the nuances involved in interpersonal relationships, namely the particulars of how race and gender shape our behavior and perceptions. In short, I understand people. I do not, however, understand the backward ways that some folks think. I’m referring to a ...

(Akiit.com) It would be hard on any mother, black or white, to be told that her 10-year-old son committed suicide. But for most African-American mothers, accepting such a tragedy is nearly unthinkable. For a long time, many African Americans have assumed that suicide rarely happens in the black community. The ...

(Akiit.com) New Yorkers used to say, ”today, everybody is Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day, recognizing important facts about the journey the Irish made through social barriers and celebrating their culture and achievements. People also say there is a sense in which everybody in New York City is Jewish. The culture ...

(Akiit.com) Can’t believe in a few days I shall be celebrating a birthday… Yeah the BIG 50 that is… I know for a fact family will treat me to a party, so I will just go along for the ride… It’s hard hiding stuff, but this time I will allow ...

(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON — When gang violence in Chicago exploded in 1992, Jawanza Kunjufu, an education consultant and author, found a church on Chicago’s south side and began a mentoring program for troubled black boys. One of the early program volunteers was a tall, lanky community organizer named Barack Obama. “He ...

(Akiit.com) For decades, the face of the criminal justice system in this country has been black and male: hundreds of thousands locked behind bars, arrested in disproportionate numbers and facing execution at rates far greater than those for the general population. Last week, Eric H. Holder Jr.’s swearing-in as the ...

(Akiit.com) Soul singing icon Etta James has never been one to bite her tongue over a real or perceived insult. But Etta outdid herself this go round with her name call at a part of the president’s anatomy (his ears), and then cavalierly blew him off with the he’s not ...

(Akiit.com) CHICAGO, IL – A new large study challenges the idea that mental illness alone is a leading cause of violence. Researchers instead blame a combination of factors, specifically substance abuse and a history of violent acts, that drives up the danger when combined with mental illness in what they ...

(Akiit.com) Should Black History Month itself fade into history? Many have long argued that African-American history should be incorporated into year-round education. Now, claims that Black History Month is outdated are gaining a new potency, as schools diversify their curricula and President Barack Obama’s election opens a new chapter in ...