(Akiit.com) President Barack Obama reassured members of the Congressional Black Caucus that he’s on their side and will do what he can to support the group’s left-leaning agenda, lawmakers said Thursday after an hour-long session at the White House. Nearly all the group’s 42 members attended. Noticeably absent was Illinois ...
(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON (DC) — Acknowledging that “tough times for America often mean tougher times for African-Americans,” US President Barack Obama called for more local and national engagement by fellow blacks. “You know that tough times for America often mean tougher times for African Americans. This recession has been no exception,” ...
(Akiit.com) I went to see the Tyler Perry movie “Madea Goes to Jail,” in which Perry plays a wise-cracking black grandmother, Madea, short for “Mother Dear” and ebonically pronounced “muh deah.” With an extensive criminal past that includes “supersize stripper,” attempted murderer and check fraud artist, Madea is a near-cult ...
(Akiit.com) Some discussions are simpler than we’d like to think. Sometimes there is only one answer, one response, one appropriate ending to a debate. This in fact would be one of those occasions. A few weeks ago Mo’Kelly mentioned how he worked for the Grammy Awards (NARAS) back in the ...
(Akiit.com) Barack Obama is the first person of color to be elected President of the United States of America. He is also one of the youngest, least partisan and most technologically savvy, and in my opinion he’s the first president to life coach the country. His campaign used many of ...
(Akiit.com) I first encountered Abraham Lincoln in Piedmont, W.Va. When I was growing up, his picture was in nearly every black home I can recall, the only white man, other than Jesus himself, to grace black family walls. Lincoln was a hero to us. One rainy Sunday afternoon in 1960, ...
(Akiit.com) With the changing of the executive branch from republican to democratic hands and the subsequent strengthening of the democrat majority in Congress, the inauguration of President Barack Obama found many Americans exhaling a collective breath of relief. As the Bush years came to their celebrated end last January, many ...
(Akiit.com) After a weeklong silence, Chris Brown has finally spoken about the pre-Grammy incident in which he allegedly beat his girlfriend, Rihanna, with his fists until she was bruised and bloodied. But in the self-centered apology he issued on Sunday, Chris seems more interested in repairing his image than with ...
(Akiit.com) Trying to interview the loquacious Bill Cosby over the phone is sort of like trying to capture the full-blast output of a gushing fire hydrant in a plastic sandwich bag. On one end, the iconic entertainer unleashes a torrent of free-flowing, digressive soliloquies. On the other end, you futilely ...
(Akiit.com) She’s a busy mother of two and a full-time executive at a film distribution company, but sometimes Susan Margolin can’t help it: She Googles Barack and Michelle Obama, not to check on his latest policy initiatives, but to see what they’re doing as a couple. “They went to the ...
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