(Akiit.com) As the first decade of the twenty-first century draws to a close, one of the greatest challenges facing Black America is education and the acquisition of useful knowledge. Considering self-preservation as the first law of nature and the darkness of ignorance its antithesis, to infringe upon a people’s human ...
(Akiit.com) Yvonne B. Haskins is a real estate lawyer and developer… As I have for many years, today I will walk in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. It’s been invigorating to see the growth of this event over the years, with young and old, male and female ...
(Akiit.com) President Obama, I applaud your recent creation of the White House Council on Women and Girls to help ensure we are treated equally in public policies, by employers and in every other aspect of American society. I must also urge, however, that you place a similar emphasis on men ...
(Akiit.com) What I’m liking most about Michelle Obama being first lady is this: She puts on public display an image of black women and black mothers that many African-Americans can identify with, but that others have viewed as an anomaly. I’m not talking about her being a Harvard-educated lawyer or ...
(Akiit.com) What We Don’t Know, Can Hurt Us… One of the first things President Barack Obama did as Chief Executive of our nation was to urge Congress to pass, then sign, the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA), better known as the nation’s “economic stimulus†package. The $787 billion dollar ...
(Akiit.com) Would you like to feel better during the menstrual cycle? Worry less about getting sick because you have a family to care for? Have enough energy to hold down a career, with some leftover for physical fitness and a vital sex life? Prevent common women’s aging ailments like osteoporosis? ...
(Akiit.com) Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele must have been struck by terminal amnesia. He yukked at and agreed with the swipe a radio caller took at President Obama. The caller called him “the magic negro.†That’s the goofy, tired, worn, ditty that tags Obama as a black man with ...
(Akiit.com) Barack Obama’s election to the presidency is historical, not magical. The spirit of his plight can be and must be shared. He has pulled up his pants of preparation and tightened his belt of commitment and action. We can, and we must do the same. Let’s pull up our ...
(Akiit.com) Four years ago the US Supreme Court took a big step toward righting a galling wrong. It joined nearly every other nation on the globe and banned teen executions. Now it should take the next big step and dump all laws that let states lock up juvenile offenders for ...
(Akiit.com) With a centennial celebration of Father’s Day coming next month, and a new president committed to supporting better parenting, liberals and conservatives alike say the political stars may be aligned for major progress in promoting responsible fatherhood. It’s an issue that’s been divisive in the past, even as research ...
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