(Akiit.com) In 1965, my “big” brother Gerald returned to Oklahoma City from his freshman year at Southern University in Baton Rouge. One of the first things he pulled out of his suitcase was a collection of blurry Kodak images he’d snapped during a campus concert of the Four Tops. I’d ...

(Akiit.com) LEVI’S LEGACY *The Four Tops signature tune “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)” is my favorite song of all time. I was three years-old when that legendary Motown jam soared to the top of the charts and to this day I get happy whenever I hear it. ...

(Akiit.com) A handful of top advisors in the McCain camp were perplexed at their boss’s flat refusal to again slam Democratic rival Barack Obama on his ties to his former pastor Jeremiah Wright. Instead they picked the race neutral target of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, and tried to ...

(Akiit.com) While conducting a relationship seminar recently, I became amused by two thirty-something women who were insisting that being with a man who didn’t fit every single criterion on their checklists was tantamount to “settling.” It was amusing for a number of reasons. It was amusing because the checklists included ...

(Akiit.com) For many, the Presidential Debate between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain presented yet another opportunity for the public to dialogue on why they are in support of their favorite contender. Those still sitting “on the fence” may have also been provided reasons to step down. While we converse ...

(Akiit.com) This Presidential Campaign’s ‘Culture War‘ Has Begun… When Sarah Palin signaled to the “Bubba” vote that she was part of the “Joe six-pack” crowd—meaning she was just an average American seeking to represent the nation on the highest ticket in the land—during her debate with Joe Biden last week, ...

(Akiit.com) The catch phrase for this political season is “change.” Voters want it though they are often at pains to describe exactly what that change is. They are tired of business as usual and desirous of a new politics in Washington, an end to partisan bickering and the beginning of ...

(Akiit.com) I tell you kids today just don’t listen… Yes my little one seems to get into something everyday… Still I love her… Anyway, the weekend is almost near, and I shall be at watching football… Yeah I’m a sports junkie… Other then that, will spend time with the family… ...

(Akiit.com) Like many I seem to be getting alot of spam lately… Sadly these spammers have no shame, and makes it more harder for one to get through the emails… Also my isp doesn’t want to help me out, as customer service is dreadful… That’s life, as wife is in ...

(Akiit.com) Quick by a show of hands how many of you ever heard of Dick Leftridge before today? I have to confess I too never heard of Mr. Leftridge until recently, when I was contacted by his son Jack Richard Leftridge Jr. The younger namesake is on a quest to ...