(Akiit.com) Fayetteville, North Carolina – As the Daily Tar Heel breaking news message came across my computer screen, I remember feeling numbness as I read it. The message indicated that the white female whose unidentified body had been found in Chapel Hill had now been identified as that of Eve ...

(Akiit.com) There is an adage that the most segregated hour in America is at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Therein lies the difference in reaction to the recently released videos featuring provocative statements by Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor for the past 20 years, Dr. Jeremiah Wright. Most African Americans who ...

(Akiit.com) HIV/AIDS was quickly stereotyped as a “gay disease” 25 years ago because most of the victims were homosexuals. Today, African Americans, who account for 12 percent of the U.S. population, are 50 percent of HIV cases. Black teens (aged 13-19), who account for 16 percent of the population, are ...

(Akiit.com) BARACK Obama, it is commonly said, “transcends” race. This is a polite way of saying he is not Rev Jesse Jackson or Rev Al Sharpton. Like Nelson Mandela, he offers liberation from a shameful past. With Jackson and Sharpton, there is no getting off the hook so easily: there ...

(Akiit.com) While the debate rages on about whether Geraldine Ferraro’s comments about Barack Obama were racist, there’s no doubt that what she said was ignorant. Or to be kinder, perhaps just uniformed. To recap, Ferraro told a reporter, “If Obama was a white man he wouldn’t be in this position. ...

(Akiit.com) Aretha Franklin could lose her home to tax collectors. The singer says an attorney’s mistake caused her $700,000 mansion in Detroit to slip into foreclosure over $445 in 2005 taxes and late fees. The Detroit Free Press reports Thursday the Queen of Soul owes a total of $19,192 in ...

(Akiit.com) Financially strapped historically black colleges across the country are at a crossroads. Cutbacks in federal and state spending and competition from mainstream institutions for the best students, educators and academic programs have taken a toll on schools that were created to educate African-American students after slavery, said presidents from ...

(Akiit.com) The National Urban League’s “The State of Black America 2008: In the Black Woman’s Voice” comes out in the midst of troubling times. Last year’s report concluded that our nation stood at a tipping point. Unfortunately, that magic moment now has blacks treading water. Over the past 12 months, ...

(Akiit.com) Since when did being black in America become “Lucky“, Ms. Ferraro? One of the most absurd things I have heard lately came from the Clintons and their surrogates. Oh, the Clintons! I used to admire them. Well, at least one of them. Now, I feel nothing but utter disgust ...

(Akiit.com) Ask any young person, especially a young man what they wish to be when they grow up and invariably most will name a sports position or music industry position. But the majority of aspiring athletes and entertainers fail and if there is no back up plan, they end up ...