(Akiit.com) Today marks the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., who was shot in Memphis in 1968. He was shot presumably because he advocated equal rights for African-Americans. It is not often these days we hear about an assassination resulting from prejudice, although such murders do happen ...

(Akiit.com) The thing is, LeBron James is a giant no matter how he’s posed. At 6-foot-8, he towers over the vast majority of people that he stands next to simply by, well, standing next to them. I think that’s getting lost a little bit in the Vogue brouhaha. The magazine’s ...

(Akiit.com) No, I’m not asking if your company is environmentally safe or if your company uses organic products. Nor am I asking if your company recycles plastic and cardboard. I’m asking whether or not your company is money green. Do you actually make money? Is your cash flow flowing? Believe ...

(Akiit.com) Several weeks ago Barrack Obamas’ pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ came under fire for making what were considered several controversial comments concerning America’s foreign policy, its treatment of people considered Third World such as Black South Africans, their support of apartheid and ...

(Akiit.com) Hey, what happened to all those people who wondered whether Barack Obama was “black enough” to win black votes? Now all I hear is people asking whether he’s too black to win white votes. Those who walk the highwire of crossover politics—black to white and back again—must strike a ...

(Akiit.com) So, we’re going to get honest about race this time? Let’s get started then. If only it were that simple. We’ve had time to digest Sen. Barack Obama’s call for a new, and more frank, examination of the “complexities of race in this country that we’ve never really worked ...

(Akiit.com) Are you the guy or gal that has to stop at Starbucks every morning to get that liquid rush? Would you just have the most terrible day if you were running late for work and had to skip it? If you are, than you make up an estimated 90% ...

(Akiit.com) Semaj Williams, a stress-management consultant from New Jersey, feels Brazil in his past, and his present. ”It’s very clear to me that in another life I was Brazilian,” said the hulking Williams, seated on the shaded patio of a colonial convent-turned-upscale-hotel. “I’m sure of that: Brazil is one of ...

(Akiit.com) Chicago, Illinois – Time to shape up if you want to collect Social Security… I recently looked at my “Social Security Statement” and realized that I’m one of the hardworking boomers who may never see a dime of this nest egg. After being in the work force full-time for ...

(Akiit.com) African-American voters will help insure that Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama keeps his slight edge over Hillary Clinton—for now. They will not help him beat John McCain if he eventually gets the Democratic nomination. Yet it’s still a virtual article of political faith that a strong, united, and crusading ...