(Akiit.com) NFL season is almost upon us all, and I see Brett Favre is now going to play again… Yes the Green Bay Packers fans are excited, yet the organization itself seems to want to move forward without him… I for one is glad a legend still has the skills ...

(Akiit.com) When Election Day arrives in November, the state of Virginia will likely play a huge role in determining whether Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain is the next President of the United States. Unfortunately, the vote tally from the Old Dominion will be illegitimate because the state will ...

(Akiit.com) Rev. Jesse Jackson’s comment, expressing his desire to castrate Senator Barack Obama, was very nutty. But Jackson isn’t a nut. The manner in which he expressed himself reveals resentment, envy, and latent hatred towards Obama. Still, he echoes legitimate concerns. Jackson’s right that some people may misread Obama’s criticism ...

(Akiit.com) Vilifying Black Men to Win Favor with the Man … Addressing a congregation at the Apostolic Church of God, one of Chicago’s largest black churches, on Father’s Day, Barack Obama said: “Too many fathers are M.I.A., too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many ...

(Akiit.com) My son saw the caption on the magazine cover. I did not. I was late for work and headed towards the door. “Daddy,” he asked. “Who would Jesus vote for?” He then pointed in the direction of a magazine rack and repeated his question. Apparently one of the news ...

(Akiit.com) It’s an interesting theory – a manliness crisis in America. Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield asserts that premise in his book entitled “Manliness.” He defines manliness as “confidence in the face of risk.” And he believes that manliness is losing its place in a society that has moved away from ...

(Akiit.com) DALLAS, TEXAS – “More than 100 years ago, Harriet Tubman was quoted as saying that: ‘If I could have convinced more slaves that they really were slaves, I could have freed thousands more.’ As you sit there in awe and wonder, questioning your ancestor’s inability to be aware of ...

(Akiit.com) BOSTON, MASS — Damn, not again I silently thought to myself as I watched this young black boy approach my truck with a can in his hand while stopped at a red light on my way home from work. Now I know what you’re thinking times are hard these ...

(Akiit.com) Men with high blood pressure, particularly African-American men, are often unaware they have the condition, according to a new study. Researchers found that of more than 1,500 young and middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, men were one-quarter less likely than women to know they had the condition. And ...

(Akiit.com) The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has promised Americans a new kind of politics – “change we can believe in.” Who could’ve suspected that the change he was referring to was a reversion to the failed policies of 30 years ago? In response to the rising price of ...