(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON (AP) — Sixty years after President Truman desegregated the military, senior black officers are still rare, particularly among the highest ranks. Blacks make up about 17 percent of the total force, yet just 9 percent of all officers. That fraction falls to less than 6 percent for general ...

(Akiit.com) This topic is nothing new, the conversation around why it is that whenever a city or town perceives there is a major problem with the youths in their locations (code words for too many black youths are hanging out), the most often mentioned and accomplished solution is to build ...

(Akiit.com) In America, propaganda and media mythology allow people to believe things that make absolutely no sense. If one person says something, the media delivers it and enough people repeat it, the thing being said starts to sound good to stupid people hearing it or saying it. In fact, some ...

(Akiit.com) There’s a new joy and excitement among many of the patrons of the Spiral Collective, a collection of businesses owned by black women in Detroit. Their happiness centers on Michelle Obama, a woman they say puts a refreshing face on America’s image of African-American women. “People who come in ...

(Akiit.com) There she is — no, not Miss America, but the Angela-Davis-Afro-wearing, machine-gun-toting, angry, unpatriotic Michelle Obama, greeting her husband with a fist bump instead of a kiss on the cheek. It was supposed to be satire, but the caricature of Barack Obama and his wife that appeared on the ...

(Akiit.com) I realize a lot has already been said about the unfortunate, and downright ugly, comments that the Rev. Jesse Jackson made last week in reference to Sen. Barack Obama. But I must add that many of the attacks on Jackson missed the larger issue. Of course, what Jackson said ...

(Akiit.com) On November 26, 2006 at a press conference in Los Angeles guess who said this: “We will challenge and urge all artists and comics to stop using this (n) word. What other group is subjected to such a degrading terminology?” And then guess who called for this action: We ...

(Akiit.com) While roaming the net I came across a exercise site that sells diet pills… Got me thinking, as I have often wondered if fat burners actually work, etc… Shall see for myself soon, as I’m in need of losing a few pounds… Yeah the beer belly will be sliming ...

(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON, DC — Josephine Baker looks straight at you with bright eyes and shining smile, fearless and demanding attention. The time is 1935, and the St. Louis native who transfixed France and much of Europe with song and dance stares out from a poster advertising the film “Princess Tam-Tam.” ...

(Akiit.com) The Democrat’s message appears to resonate with, rather than alienate, black voters. CINCINNATI, OHIO — Unswayed by the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s disapproval, Sen. Barack Obama pressed his message Monday that African Americans needed to take more responsibility for their lives and families, a theme that had angered one of ...