(Akiit.com) I received a rather rude email from a local minister who took umbrage with my failure to support Barack Obama for president. I was disappointed that rather than do what Jesus would have done and offer a reasoned and well-thought out rebuttal to my column, this man of the ...

(Akiit.com) Maybe if I didn’t know the history of how this country came to be. Maybe if I wasn’t keenly aware of how we came to be here in this country to begin with. Maybe if the first ship arriving with its precious human cargo to this country hadn’t been ...

(Akiit.com) In a 2007 interview with the editorial board of Washington Post, Senator Joseph Biden offered these thoughts on the racial achievement gap in education, “There’s less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four or five percent that are ...

(Akiit.com) What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” —Sir John Lubbock In America, far too many people make claims about what exists without investigating any further than their own small circles. They then take those broad assumptions and pretend that the assumption is reality for all of ...

(Akiit.com) NEW YORK, NY — Barack Obama’s audience for his acceptance speech likely topped 40 million people, and the Democratic gathering that nominated him was a more popular television event than any other political convention in history. More people watched Obama speak from a packed stadium in Denver on Thursday ...

(Akiit.com) I’d just lowered myself onto a stool at the counter and was reaching for a laminated breakfast menu when, from somewhere behind me, came: “…You remind me of the people who was against the Wright Brothers. Listen, they got this pill–I’m usin’ it.” Through the reflection of a shiny ...

(Akiit.com) As a people, we have been dying since we came to this land and built it on our backs for free. Slavery gutted Africa, taking its most vibrant and vigorous men and women in childbearing years. It took or slaughtered young strong women and men. That completely destroyed the ...

(Akiit.com) Presumptive presidential contender Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain have made splashy, big media photo op visits to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast since the Katrina horror. Obama says he will push a sweeping and costly Katrina recovery plan. McCain, on the other hand, took some heat ...

(Akiit.com) The most interesting thing that one comes away with in the “made for television” civil discussion at Rick Warren’s church is that race escapes neither politics nor religion, and ageism doesn’t really play role in determining intellectual qualification of the Presidency. When it comes to Barack Obama, everybody has ...

(Akiit.com) “The Impact of seeing positive Black Men” those prophetic words kept ringing in my consciousness as I drove home after completing my second basketball clinic in 3 days. Over a 3 day span I had the pleasure of interacting with 200 inner city youths, teaching, speaking, laughing and having ...