(Akiit.com) Long before Secret Service officials reported that President elect Barack Obama has gotten more threats against him than any other president-elect, the buzz from many African-Americans was: Do you think that they’ll try to do something to him? The “they” was take your pick, a lone, deranged crazy, KKK, ...

(Akiit.com) Since the election of the first Black president, many people have begun to amass great expectations. Some of those expectations are realistic and practical and will probably be met by the new Commander-in-Chief. However, some of those expectations are silly, selfish and based on the inane notion that President ...

(Akiit.com) He did not run from race, but he did not run on it. That’s a balance right that’s for the times. The great paradox in the election of America’s first black president is that Barack Obama broke a historic racial barrier without campaigning on a black agenda. This raises ...

(Akiit.com) By now, I am sure that you are aware of the fallout over the Nov. 4 election results that passed Proposition 8, an amendment to the state constitution to make marriage legal only between one man and one woman. And I have no doubt that many of you reading ...

(Akiit.com) On the evening of November 4th, 2008, I watched television news coverage of millions around the world celebrating the U.S. Presidential win of Barack Obama. One video image I found particularly startling: among a group of students on the campus of Washington D.C.’s Howard University was a young man ...

(Akiit.com) It was truly a powerful feeling to watch history in the making. Some said it could never occur, but it did. A Black man was elected president of the United States, a place where racism is as entrenched as baseball, hot dogs and apple pie. The mere election of ...

(Akiit.com) The lives of nearly 8,000 black Americans could be saved each year if doctors could figure out a way to bring their average blood pressure down to the average level of whites, a surprising new study found. The gap between the races in controlling blood pressure is well-known, but ...

(Akiit.com) Barack Obama’s candidacy has changed forever the landscape of America because now all parents, regardless of race, can say to their children that if you work hard and sacrifice, study and help others, you can become President. That is an amazing testament to the transformational character of Obama’s White ...

(Akiit.com) Upon his election in 1992, Bill Clinton — affectionately referred to as the nation’s first black president — asked Maya Angelou to compose a poem and read it at his inauguration. Angelou feels a new poem welling up inside her following Barack Obama’s election, but she does not expect ...

(Akiit.com) President Barack Obama must immediately undertake four priorities if he is going to fulfill his promise of changing this nation from the downward economic and social spiral which Bush administration policies, Wall Street greed and neo-conservative war mongering set in motion. Priority #1 – End the unnecessary, immoral and ...